Sunday, January 11, 2009

My Resolution

So I realize I never did a blog on my New Year's resolution! Gasp!

Drum roll please....

I have stopped drinking soda. Yeah, kinda boring. But attainable. I recently read that in 12 ounces of soda, there is the equivalent of 10 tsp of sugar. 10 tsp!! GROSS! That is a lot for just a 12 oz can of soda!

That is going to be my only resolution this year. I know I can do it, so I am not going to feel bad about myself this year if I don't lose 50 pounds! Or if I don't totally get in a better financial place. Yeah, I will still try. But DAMN IT I won't make those "official" resolutions! HA! I beat the system!

Good luck on your resolutions!


  1. zach lost 10 pounds when he stopped drinking pop!!!

    good job!

  2. I gave up soda too! Funny! I had a killer headache after the 1st 3 days, but im happy I did it.
