Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Mother Nature can be such a bitch

This wind is pissing me off.

Big time.

I didn't sleep AT ALL last night. I just laid awake in my bed thinking that my house was going to blow over. It doesn't help that the vents to our bathrooms have little flaps over them that slam down over and over when the wind is blowing.

And then I get a sinus headache.


But that is one of the dreaded things that fall brings. At least fall is pretty. I love the way the leaves look this time of year.


I suppose I can get over the lack of sleep and the pounding in my head! And other than the leaves, Thanksgiving is coming up! And I am thankful to have a paid day off!! HA! oh yeah, and for my family, friends, my kitties, my dog, my house, my job, my health, my family's health, my friend's health... I really could go on and on. I suppose one sleepless night won't hurt me.

*photo courtesy of my hubby

1 comment:

  1. And me!! ;)

    This wind is crazy! I had my car door almost blow off at Target blew out of my hands and dented the car next to me...(I talked with the owner and all was good) It was an OLD car, thankfully!!
