Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Yeah! Jessica, Zoe, and Erin came over to make cookies! We had fun! And Jessica learned that making sugar cookies isn't as hard as she thought! Ha! And Erin kicks ass for rolling out twice as many as Jess and I! Fun! I love pink heart cookies! mmmmm..... I love having a girl's day! And the kids LOVE playing together! Zoe and Clara are such great friends! It makes me so happy! Watching them together cracks me up! Zoe puts her arm around Clara and pats her back. So gentle, it is sweet! Here is Zoe dancing? I think... Clara thinks she is pretty great...

So that is all I have for now- I think I better go watch All My Children before the kiddos get up from naps! Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. That was a lot of fun and they were so YUMMY!! Now if only we were a little more creative with the frosting we could have done some of the other designs. LOL. Thanks for having me over we should do it again sometime. : P
